Data Set used in "Full backward and forward dependencies through regional hypothetical extraction method"

  1. Tormo García, Luis 1
  2. Morillas-Jurado, Francisco 2
  3. Rico Belda, Paz 1
  4. Cabrer-Borrás, Bernardí 1
  1. 1 Dept. Economic Analysis, University of València
  2. 2 Dept. Applied Economics, University of València

Editor: Zenodo

Año de publicación: 2022

Tipo: Dataset


This set of data was obtained from EUREGIO database, developed by the Tinbergen Institute, which is a set of global IO tables with regional and sectoral disaggregation. The EUREGIO database collects the productive structure and commercial relations of the WIOD in the period 2000-2010. The table is broken down into 249 administrative regions at the NUTS2 level, from 24 EU countries, 16 non-EU countries, and a block that brings together countries from the rest of the world, making a total of 266 regions. The statistical information is organised in 11 IO tables, one for each year. The data base that we provid in this repository is used in our study with the aim to determine the key regions of the Spanish economy. In order to address this objective, IO tables of smaller dimensions are built, through an aggregation and disaggregation procedure. First, the 14 industries are grouped, then the 4 sectors of final demand and, lastly, the 4 components of value added. Below, the 266 EUREGIO regions are grouped into 21 regions. Of these, 19 regions correspond to Spain [1], one region includes the rest of the NUTS2 in the EU and another region covers the rest of the world. [1] The 17 Spanish regions and the two autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla.