Data and code for analysis of spatiotemporal variation in traits and environmental variables in European hole-nesting passerines

  1. Vriend, Stefan
  2. Grøtan, Vidar
  3. Gamelon, Marlène
  4. Adriaensen, Frank
  5. Ahola, Markus
  6. Álvarez, Elena
  7. Bailey, Liam
  8. Barba, Emilio
  9. Bouvier, Jean-Charles
  10. Burgess, Malcolm
  11. Bushuev, Andrey
  12. Camacho, Carlos
  13. Canal, David
  14. Charmantier, Anne
  15. Cole, Eleanor
  16. Cusimano, Camillo
  17. Doligez, Blandine
  18. Drobniak, Szymon
  19. Dubiec, Anna
  20. Eens, Marcel
  21. Eeva, Tapio
  22. Erikstad, Kjell Einar
  23. Ferns, Peter
  24. Goodenough, Anne
  25. Hartley, Ian
  26. Hinsley, Shelley
  27. Ivankina, Elena
  28. Juškaitis, Rimvydas
  29. Kempenaers, Bart
  30. Kerimov, Anvar
  31. Kålås, John Atle
  32. Lavigne, Claire
  33. Leivits, Agu
  34. Mainwaring, Mark
  35. Martínez-Padilla, Jesús
  36. Matthysen, Erik
  37. van Oers, Kees
  38. Orell, Markku
  39. Pinxten, Rianne
  40. Reiertsen, Tone Kristin
  41. Rytkönen, Seppo
  42. Senar, Juan Carlos
  43. Sheldon, Ben
  44. Sorace, Alberto
  45. Török, János
  46. Vatka, Emma
  47. Visser, Marcel
  48. Sæther, Bernt-Erik
  49. Montrer des auteurs +

Éditeur: figshare

Année de publication: 2022

Type: Dataset

CC BY 4.0


Files:<br> trait_data.csv – a comma-delimited file with population-specific annual fitness-related trait data. Traits included: laying date (LD, laying date of the first egg, where 1 = April 1st), clutch size (CS, number of eggs) and fledgling number (FN, number of nestlings 13-16 days after hatching). Annual values for these traits were based on data from individual broods that were not subjected to experimental manipulations (e.g. clutch size manipulation or cross-fostering). Fledgling numbers were based on broods with at least one fledgling. <br> location_data.csv – a comma-delimited file with latitude and longitude (in decimal degrees) for all 44 locations. <br> climate_data.csv – a comma-delimited file with location-specific annual climate data. Climate variables included: North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, mean temperature (in degrees Celsius) and mean precipitation (in mm). For each climate variable, we give the average over daily values in February-May.<br> <br> data_information.csv – a comma-delimited file with a supplementary table on data owners and geographical information per location, study length per population, and sample sizes per trait, species, and location.<br> <br> analysis.R - an R file with code to run analyses of temporal variation in trait values, effects of climate variables on trait values, and spatial synchrony in trait values. <br> Climate data sources:<br> Daily NAO-indices were extracted from the Climate Prediction Center of the National Weather Service (<br> <br> Daily mean temperature and mean precipitation were extracted from the E-OBS gridded dataset version 20.0e (Cornes et al. 2018, DOI: 10.1029/2017JD028200).<br> <br> Daily mean precipitation for Vlieland (Loc: VLI) was extracted from a Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI) weather station (Oost-Vlieland; <br> See README.docx for more detail. <br>