Practicando mindfulness con el futuro profesorado de educación infantiluna experiencia enriquecedora de innovación docente

  1. Sanz-Cervera, Pilar
  2. Lacruz-Pérez, Irene
Revista DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia

ISSN: 1699-3748

Year of publication: 2024

Issue: 42

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia


Given the changing and uncertain society in which we live in, the practice of mindfulness is today a social necessity as a prevention of our mental health. Considering the multiple benefits that this technique provides, in recent years its practice has spread in the educational field as a technique for reducing teaching stress and as an intervention proposal for students at different educational stages. This study includes Mindful-Kids, an educational innovation experience carried out by a group of professors from the University of Valencia in the Early Childhood Education Teacher's Degree. The aim of this experience is for pre-service teachers to experience the benefits of mindfulness practice and to be able to learn how to create and guide their own practices to intervene with early childhood education students. As a result of the experience, the students have created a YouTube channel with practices guided by themselves. Both teachers and students value the experience very positively, since beyond being a professional tool, the vast majority consider that the practice has brought them a great number of benefits on a personal level, especially with regard to managing their own emotions.

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