Analysis of myocardial infarction incidence and case-fatality in the last three decades in the province of Girona

  1. Camps-Vilaró, A.
  2. Subirana, I.
  3. Elosua, R.
  4. Palomo, I.
  5. Sanchis, J.
  6. Tizón-Marcos, H.
  7. Cainzos-Achirica, M.
  8. Sala, J.
  9. Masia, R.
  10. Ramos, R.
  11. Dégano, I.R.
  12. Marrugat, J.
Revista Espanola de Cardiologia

ISSN: 1579-2242 0300-8932

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 77

Issue: 6

Pages: 450-458

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.RECESP.2023.10.017 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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