La utilización de las nuevas tecnologías en defensa del derecho de obtención vegetal

  1. Eduardo Miranda Rivera 1
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

    Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

    Valencia, España


Nuevas tendencias en el derecho de la competencia y de la propiedad industrial III
  1. Anxo Tato Plaza (dir.)
  2. Julio Costas Comesaña (dir.)
  3. Pablo I. Fernández Carballo- Calero (dir.)
  4. Francisco Torres Pérez (dir.)
  5. Sara Louredo Casado (dir.)

Publisher: Comares

ISBN: 978-84-1369-361-3

Year of publication: 2022

Pages: 329-348

Congress: Congreso Internacional Carlos Fernández-Nóvoa "Nuevas tendencias en el derecho de la competencia y de la propiedad industrial" (3. 2021. Vigo)

Type: Conference paper


This paper aims to analyse how new technologies can contribute to prevent infringements of plant variety rights. To do so, we will indentify the different problems of developing a computer applicarion in order to avoid infringements of plant variety rights. The main problem of developing a computer application with these characteristics is the collection of information. However, there are two provisions in our legal system which can contribute to this task: in the Plant Variety Law and in the Food Chain Law. Furthermore, this analysis should nor only be limited to the configuration of a computer application for locating plant material, but it also should propose ways of preventing infringements.