La cooperació entre estudiants de Didàctica de les Ciències Socials en la formació de mestres. Una comparació entre l'aprenentatge cooperatiu i les "pédagogies coopératives"
- Irigoyen Zaragoza, Albert
- Josep Maria Pons Altés Director
- Antoni Gavaldà Torrents Co-director
Universidade de defensa: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Ano de defensa: 2023
- Sylvain Connac Presidente/a
- Dolors Cañabate Ortiz Secretario/a
- Juan Carlos Colomer Rubio Vogal
Tipo: Tese
The doctoral thesis studies the cooperation between Social Sciences Education (DCS) students in the training of teachers based on a theoretical and an empirical analysis. The central theme is a comparison between “aprenentatge cooperatiu” (AC), originating from Anglo-Saxon “cooperative learning” and adopted in our teaching and research field, and francophone concept “pédagogies coopératives” (PC), practically unknown in our context. The theoretical analysis deepens the bases of cooperative interaction and shows collective perspectives to be more present, creates a theoretical and critical foundation of the AC, adopted from the DCS, and analyzes the PC to introduce them to our country. Thus, for the 1st time a theoretical framework is established including the 2 cooperative worlds under the umbrella “cooperation between students”. It raises lines of convergence with cooperative values, questions the relationship between AC and cooperativism, and formulates possible links between the 2 conceptions and DCS and democratic education. In the 2nd part, based on the 5 ADDIE phases, 2 case studies and 2 parallel ones are presented, applied -mostly- in a virtual format due to the pandemic, and qualitative research methods are used and quantitative, with the multiple case study as the central axis. The sample is the students of the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 courses (n=166 participants) of the 4th year of the Primary Education Degree at the URV of Tarragona. In 19-20 the AC applies (case study 1); and in 20-21, PC (case study 2). As for the parallel studies, the first introduces the "Discussions à Visées Démocratiques et Philosophiques" (DVDP) to debate Relevant Social Problems (PSR), and the 2nd uses the Jigsaw method with the learning of historical periods. PC scores better than AC in social skills, group processing, individual responsibility and positive interdependence. PC expand the radius of action of the AC with the forms “cooperate to learn” and “cooperate to build collective”. Heterogeneous AC teams achieve better results than homogeneous ones. DVDP promote PSR work through reflective thinking and democràtic education. In the Jigsaw (face-to-face and virtual), 3 types of interaction between peer interaction (high and low cooperation, and collaboration), and collective thinking is detected in the face-to-face.