La calidad en el sistema universitario
- Luis Miguel García Lozano 1
- Patricia Blanco Díez 1
- Pedro Jesús Pérez Zafrilla 2
- Antonio Pérez Miras 3
- Joaquín Sarrión Esteve 2
- Belén Burgos Garrido 4
Universidad Católica San Antonio
Universitat de València
- 3 ICADE- Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Universidad de Granada
Publisher: Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual AEPC
Year of publication: 2016
Pages: 480-485
Congress: FECIES. Foro sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación Superior y de la Investigación (13. 2016. Granada)
Type: Conference paper
From a time to today, teaching and research has been significantly affected by the ideal of the quest to grow and develop according to egalitarian quality parameters for all areas of science, which are more or less common. Following this trail, external quality processes have been developed by independent agencies, belonging to the Public Administration, both general and autonomous in some cases. In the same way, several internal quality control systems have been created within the university itself, in order to control prior to external inspections, that the teaching methods are adapted to the parameters arranged from the outside. Among the parameters to be controlled, research was included as a variable of great importance. This has been subject to impact indexes and rankings where it reflects precisely the impact and quality of it. However, subjecting all branches of science to the same variables is not always adequate, and may even be counterproductive because it does not favor excellence.