Estudio de las huellas de uso y aplicación de análisis químicos no destructivos sobre un macroútil procedente del yacimiento de Hort de Cortés-Volcán del Faro (Cullera, València)

  1. Vadillo Conesa, Margarita 1
  2. Ramacciotti, Mirco 1
  3. Gallello, Gianni 1
  4. Jardón Giner, Paula 1
  5. Soler Mayor, Begoña 1
  6. Pastor, Agustín 1
  7. Aura Tortosa, J. Emili 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España



ISSN: 0213-2338 1989-9904

Year of publication: 2024

Issue: 43

Pages: 9-27

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14198/LVCENTVM.25250 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

More publications in: Lucentum


Macro-lithic tools have usually been marginalised from studies, due to the importance that the flaked lithic industry has had for the observation of chronological and cultural changes and continuities. However, these elements appear in archaeological sites associated with different geographical and chronological contexts, which gives them value as markers of the adaptation and technical evolution developed by human groups. This paper presents the results of the detailed analysis of an object from the site of Hort de Cortés-Volcán del Faro (València), associated with Gravettian levels. The singularity of its morphology, the raw material and the presence of use-wear appreciable at a macroscopic level, motivated the application of different methodologies of study on the piece in order to understand it. The analysis of the use-wear suggests that this carbonate rock was used in activities associated with the treatment of the leather. The differentiation of two different groups of use-wear has determined the distinction of two different tasks carried out on the object. The presence of residues that can be correlated with the use of the piece has been evaluated by applying a multi-analytical and non-destructive approach. In addition, atomic and molecular spectroscopy techniques together with multivariate statistics have been applied in order to identify the potential source of raw material. The interest of this study lies in the combination of approaches to the study of a macro-lithic tool. All of this has allowed us to expand the limited information we have on this type of material, and to open the debate on the knowledge of the technological level reached by human groups.

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