Líneas directrices del Comité Científico de la Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (AESAN) sobre la información requerida para realizar la evaluación de coadyuvantes tecnológicos que se pretenden emplear en la elaboración y obtención de alimentos

  1. Sonia Marín Sillué
  2. Houda Berrada Ramdan
  3. Isabel Hernando Hernando
  4. Ricardo López Rodríguez
Revista del Comité Científico de la AESAN

ISSN: 1885-6586

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Nummer: 38

Seiten: 11-24

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista del Comité Científico de la AESAN


The processing aids used in food preparation and production processes are regulated in Spain by Royal Decree 773/2023, which also defines them. There is also a specific regulation for the processing aids used in the production process of edible oils, which are regulated by Royal Decree 640/2015. As established in said royal decrees, the processing aids that do not appear in Annex I, and that are not referred to in sections 2 and 3 of Article 3, of Royal Decree 773/2023, and the processing aids used in the production process of edible oils that do not appear in Annex I of Royal Decree 640/2015 must be subject, for their approval and inclusion in said annexes, to a risk assessment by the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) that establishes the safety of the intended use. In this regard, and in order to specify what information is necessary to evaluate the safety of the use of said processing aids and thus facilitate the submission of the assessment application dossiers, the AESAN Scientific Committee has developed these guidelines that are an amendment of those approved by the AESAN Scientific Committee in 2010, which they replace They establish a series of guidelines regarding the submission of processing aid assessment applications, in addition to the documentation that must accompany said applications, in the form of a dossier, which will include information regarding: administrative details and general presentation; detailed composition and specifications; stability and reactivity; authorised uses in human food; technological function; toxicological reference values; allergenicity; efficacy; residues and environmental impact.