Fadrique Furió Ceriol. Obra completa II. Los tres libros de las instituciones retóricas

  1. Fadrique Furió Ceriol
  2. Ferran Grau Codina ed. lit.

Éditorial: Universidad de Valencia = Universitat de València

ISBN: 978-84-1118-073-3

Année de publication: 2022

Type: Livre


The 'Institutionum Rhetoricarum libri tres', by Fadrique Furio Ceriol, was the first work published by the Valencian humanist in Louvain in 1554 and constitutes the second volume of his complete works. Preceded by three introductory studies that provide keys to facilitate the understanding and interpretation of the work - dealing with its technical framework, the use and meaning of the examples and its basic implicit and explicit values - the original text in Latin is presented, with critical apparatus and sources, accompanied by the translation into Spanish, which is completed with abundant explanatory notes. Not only is this a manual of rhetoric aimed at anyone interested in mastering language and improving its expression, but it is also Furio Ceriol's letter of introduction as a humanist committed to the society of his time and who believed in the word as the best means for political action and good government, which confronts tyranny and violence; that is why it is so important and the responsibility of human beings to improve and perfect the natural gift that we all possess: the gift of the word.