El Accidente de Trabajo en el Teletrabajo. La igualdad entre trabajadores a distancia y presenciales como base para resolver los nuevos conflictos

  1. Todolí Signes, Adrián
  2. Martín-Pozuelo López, Ángela
Revista de derecho de la seguridad social. Laborum

ISSN: 2386-7191

Any de publicació: 2023

Número: 37

Pàgines: 31-51

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista de derecho de la seguridad social. Laborum


The increase in the use of remote working in recent years has highlighted many of its regulatory shortcomings. One of these relates to the concept of accidents at work. The LTD did not incorporate any reference to this issue, and Article 156 of the LGSS has not been modified to adapt its content to the specifics of remote working. This lack of regulatory adaptation has led the courts to apply the classic regulations and jurisprudence to this new form of service provision. This task, on the other hand, is not proving simple and we find diverging sentences that the Supreme Court may have to resolve in the future. In this exercise, these application problems and the judicial solutions that are being produced on the matter are analysed, while trying to provide interpretative solutions that help to protect remote workers with an equal footing.

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