Les relacions literàries i culturals entre Carles Salvador i Joan Fusterla correspondència inèdita

  1. Cano Mateu, J. Àngel
Actes del Dissetè Col·loqui Internacional de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes: Universitat de València, 7-10 de juliol de 2015
  1. Manuel Pérez Saldanya (coord.)
  2. Rafael Roca Ricart (coord.)

Editorial: Associació Internacional de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes ; Institut d'Estudis Catalans

ISBN: 978-84-9965-363-1

Año de publicación: 2017

Páginas: 249-259

Congreso: Col.loqui Internacional de Llengua y Literatura Catalanes (17. 2015. València)

Tipo: Aportación congreso


This essay analyzes the relationship between Carles Salvador and Joan Fuster through their correspondence, still unpublished, dated between 1947 and 1951. The letters allow us to describe and explain when they first met, the interest of the young poet in the opinion of the teacher Salvador –an acclaimed poet of the 1930s generation–, or the management of review of the poem Sobre Narcís. Moreover, this analysis gives key information to understand the Valencian postwar cultural life. It includes documents that are crucial to better understand the controversy caused by the open letter to Destino, signed by writers such as Miquel Adlert, Xavier Casp (Torre group) and Joan Fuster, against Carles Salvador. These letters also help us define Joan Fuster’s position in relation to the two cultural groups of the Valencian postwar: the group of the Torre editorial and Lo Rat Penat.