Actividades metacognitivas de “exam wrapper” en una clase de métodos de investigación en PsicologíaTres aplicaciones

  1. Dolores Frías Navarro 1
  2. Marcos Pascual Soler 2
  3. Irene Gómez Frías 1
  4. Gemma Pons Salvador 1
  5. Ana D'Ocon Giménez 1
  6. Laura Dolz Serra 1
  7. María C. Fuentes 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


  2. 2 ESIC University
ReiDoCrea: Revista electrónica de investigación y docencia creativa

ISSN: 2254-5883

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Ausgabe: 12

Seiten: 397-417

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.30827/DIGIBUG.85867 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen Access editor

Andere Publikationen in: ReiDoCrea: Revista electrónica de investigación y docencia creativa


Research study in which a teaching innovation activity using "exam wrapper" in the classroom on three occasions. “Exam wrapper” consists of a list of meta-cognitive activities designed to help students reflect on their performance after a specific exam or exercise and plan and develop strategies to improve their future performance, facilitating the self-regulation of their work. In addition, is evaluated with other questions related to the perception of the usefulness of this meta-cognitive activity for improving academic work and performance on continuous assessment and final exams in the subject. The sample is composed of 25 students of the Psychology Degree program who receive the contents of a course related to research methodology (design and data analysis). The results indicate changes in the three areas of “exam wrapper” reflection, highlighting the importance of carrying out more than two “exam wrapper” activities to detect their effects. In the third “exam wrapper” reflection, changes are observed in the perception of exam preparation and in the time dedicated to studying and its distribution. Moreover, learning activities are improved, and exam errors are progressively perceived to decrease. In addition, on this third list, the perception of the usefulness of “exam wrapper” as a way to improve performance on the next exam increases, and this perception is related to the continuous evaluation and final grade.

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