La figura del showrunner en la producción audiovisual españolarealidad o ficción. Análisis del proceso de producción de La Casa de Papel.

  1. Doñate Ventura, Joana 1
  2. Galán Cubillo, Esteban
  3. Marzal Felici, Javier 2
  1. 1 Doctora
  2. 2 Catedrático de la universitat Jaume I
Fotocinema: revista científica de cine y fotografía

ISSN: 2172-0150

Argitalpen urtea: 2023

Zenbakien izenburua: Comunicación, divulgación y representación mediática de la ciencia

Zenbakia: 27

Orrialdeak: 263-288

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.24310/FOTOCINEMA.2023.VI27.15558 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Fotocinema: revista científica de cine y fotografía


The appearance of streaming platforms brought with it a set of stylistic and structural changes that would usher in a new era of audiovisuals. The appearance of social media with the use of big data will place the viewer as the central axis in the creation of new content. With this, platforms will undertake a constant struggle for the viewer's attention, which will lead to the appearance of the figure of the showrunner as a long-term differentiating element for the creation of exclusive content. One of the most emblematic cases at the national level was the incorporation of Money Heist, an original production by Atresmedia, at the Netflix catalog. The relaunch by Netflix become in one of the most viewed non-English speaking fiction internationally. The objective of this research is to know the paradigm shift brought about by the new form of liquid television, setting Money Heist as a case study. Through this research, it will be possible to analyze the adaptation and environment of the figure of the showrunner in the creation process, as well as to know to what extent he is responsible for the success of the platforms.

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