La escritura creativa como modelo de interactividad y motivación lectora
- Josep María Rodríguez Cabrera 1
- Sergio Arlandis López 2
Universitat de Lleida
Universitat de València
ISSN: 2171-9624
Argitalpen urtea: 2023
Zenbakia: 28
Orrialdeak: 189-201
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Álabe: Revista de Investigación sobre Lectura y Escritura
This article raises the need to adjust any teaching/learning process – regardless of educational level, since it is not only possible to understand education from a horizontal or transversal point of view, but, at the same time, from a vertical relationship – to the new modes of reading and consuming information by the current student body. The impact of digital technology, the omnipresence of mobile media or the almost two hours on average in Spain of daily consumption of social networks (WeAreSocial, 2022) are an important part of this change, whose symptoms or effects are evident in poor reader comprehension derived from this «floating attention» (Bernabeu and Goldtein, 2008) and superficial thinking (Carr, 2011), in contrast to the traditional and Gutenbergian linear thinking. Also, for a preference that everything be interactive. How to respond, then, to these changes from the standpoint of literary education and the different key competencies of LOMLOE? One possibility, which we propose and develop here, is the use of creative writing. It is special, of the brief literary forms, because it is better suited to the new composite of our students
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