Biological processes modelling for MBR systems: A review of the state-of-the-art focusing on SMP and EPS

  1. Mannina, G.
  2. Ni, B.-J.
  3. Makinia, J.
  4. Harmand, J.
  5. Alliet, M.
  6. Brepols, C.
  7. Ruano, M.V.
  8. Robles, A.
  9. Heran, M.
  10. Gulhan, H.
  11. Rodriguez-Roda, I.
  12. Comas, J.
Water Research

ISSN: 1879-2448 0043-1354

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 242

Type: Review

DOI: 10.1016/J.WATRES.2023.120275 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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