Calorie restriction improves metabolic state independently of gut microbiome composition: a randomized dietary intervention trial

  1. Sowah, S.A.
  2. Milanese, A.
  3. Schübel, R.
  4. Wirbel, J.
  5. Kartal, E.
  6. Johnson, T.S.
  7. Hirche, F.
  8. Grafetstätter, M.
  9. Nonnenmacher, T.
  10. Kirsten, R.
  11. López-Nogueroles, M.
  12. Lahoz, A.
  13. Schwarz, K.V.
  14. Okun, J.G.
  15. Ulrich, C.M.
  16. Nattenmüller, J.
  17. von Eckardstein, A.
  18. Müller, D.
  19. Stangl, G.I.
  20. Kaaks, R.
  21. Kühn, T.
  22. Zeller, G.
Genome Medicine

ISSN: 1756-994X

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 14

Issue: 1

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1186/S13073-022-01030-0 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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