La promoción de la ineficacia del régimen foral por la Corona. Las Cortes valencianas de 1564

  1. Salvador Esteban, Emilia
Estudis: Revista de historia moderna

ISSN: 0210-9093

Any de publicació: 2011

Títol de l'exemplar: Homenaje al profesor José Miguel Palop Ramos

Número: 37

Pàgines: 447-466

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Estudis: Revista de historia moderna


The fueros and actos de corte arisen from the dif ferent Valencian Legislatures, be- side constituting the legal modal that was regulating the relations between the Valencian ones, tried to use as brake to the advances of the Crown authoritarianism. Their labor, never- theless, was seen from the beginning obstructed for a series of factors, most of royal author- ship. Though there are related some of them, this study centres basically on the decretatas or royal answers (of Philip II in this case) to the requests of the representatives of de Kingdom in the Parliament of 1563-1564.