La "cavalleria umanistica" italianaEnyego (Inico) d'Avalos e 'Curial e Guelfa'

  1. Ferrando, Antoni coord.
  2. Babbi, Anna Maria coord.

Verlag: John Benjamins

ISBN: 978-90-272-0928-3

Datum der Publikation: 2021

Art: Buch


This book aims to contribute to the knowledge of the cultural and linguistic relations between Italy and the Crown of Aragon in the 15th century. In particular, it studies some relevant aspects of the chivalric romance entitled Curial e Guelfa, written in Italy around 1443-1448 in Catalan, but mainly Italian in spirit, sources and onomastics. It is probably the very first work of a genre known as “humanistic chivalry”, the epitome of which will be Ariosto’s Orlando furioso. The literary context of Milan and Naples (The Three Crowns, Troubadour Lyrics, Humanism) is analyzed in the first part of the volume. It is this context that made possible the gestation of the Curial, an extraordinary anonymous romance, which was most likely written by the knight Enyego d’Àvalos (Inico d’Avalos), born in Toledo but raised in Valencia. The second part of the volume is devoted to the study of some lexical, stylistic and syntactic aspects of the Curial, which show the author's excellent knowledge of Catalan and the constant influence of Italian in the romance.