Efectos del uso de TIC en la evaluación del aprendizajeImpacto de un sistema de votación electrónica

  1. López Rodríguez, Mª Isabel
  2. Barac, Maja
Human Review: International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades

ISSN: 2695-9623

Any de publicació: 2022

Títol de l'exemplar: Monograph: "ICT and its applications beyond communication"

Volum: 12

Número: 3

Tipus: Article


Altres publicacions en: Human Review: International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades


We used a gamification tool, an electronic voting system, in a university-level subject. We analyzed whether the use of this tool in the continuous assessment activities had an impact on the teaching-learning process, specifically, on the results of the final exam. To this end, we collected data on student characteristics potentially influencing academic performance, which we studied by applying descriptive and inferential data analysis techniques. The result shows that students can increase their score by almost 2 points, depending on their correct answer ratio with the electronic voting system.

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