Manifestaciones orales de la enfermedad de Crohn. A propósito de dos casos

  1. Miguel Peñarrocha Diago 1
  2. Isabel Soriano González 1
  3. José Vicente Bagán Sebastián 1
  4. José M.ª Sanchís Bielsa 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


OEPC: Odontoestomatología práctica y clínica

ISSN: 1696-1145

Year of publication: 1998

Volume: 1

Issue: 1

Pages: 52-55

Type: Article

More publications in: OEPC: Odontoestomatología práctica y clínica


Crohn 's disease originally described as a disorder of the small intestine, is now recognised to extend well beyond these confines and to involve all parts of the digestive tract, including the mouth. Clinical features suggestive of oral Crohn 's disease include facial or labial swelling, hyperplastic gingival lesions and oral ulcers. We presented two cases of Crohn 's disease, in one the oral manifestations were ulcers and in the other cheilitis granulomatosa and gingival overgrown; oral lesions carried to the diagnosis of the illness. Characteristic lesions in the oral mucosa may also precede the other gastrointestinal involvements or appear without them; histologically resemble thouse of intestinal Crohn 's disease with lymphoedema of the lamina propia and non-caseating granulamas. Their interest resides in the importance of the earlier diagnosis of Croh 's disease from the oral lesions.