El papel del territorio y de la políticas territoriales en la estrategia de recuperación, transformación y resiliencia

  1. Joaquín Farinós Dasí coord.
  2. A. Serrano Rodríguez coord.
  3. I. Latasa Zaballo coord.
  4. E. Prada Llorente coord.
  5. E. Rando Burgos coord.

Éditorial: Universidad de Valencia = Universitat de València

ISBN: 978-84-9133-477-4 978-84-9133-478-1

Année de publication: 2022

Type: Livre


At the present time, one of the most important economic-financial crises in our recent history is being faced, which began in 2008 as a result of the bursting of the real estate bubble. Afterwards, we have had to face the effects of one of the most extraordinary threats to health worldwide, the COVID 19 pandemic, associated with globalization and the abusive use of the planet's resources and the destruction of its biodiversity, and the effects on the world economy and geopolitics caused by the war in Ukraine due the Russia invasio. This has forced a series of absolutely extraordinary measures to be taken at different levels (international, European, national, regional and local) to try to deal with a global public health threat of unknown magnitude, with effects on the population, our style of life and our traditional model of development. To this end, a set of funds have been set up (in the Spanish case, equivalent to 20% of its GDP), the most important in our recent history, which precisely seek to start the path of recovery towards that so-called new development model which aims to be fairer, more sustainable and more resilient. By institutional initiative has been launched the “Recovery, transformation and resilience plan has been launched. Plan Spain can”, with which to lead, together with the support of economic actors and civil society, social, economic and environmental recovery. In this crucial context and moment, at the X International Congress on Spatial Planning, an exploration and diagnosis has been carried out not only of the framework but also of the way in which some of the actions foreseen in the plans and strategies are being developed at national and regional level. Both those that present a greater and clearer territorial impact, as well as those for which the conditions of each space represent a factor, and a value, to be taken into account in order to achieve better results in achieving the objectives and predicted indicators. In this way, this book presents a selection of the main contributions and conclusions on issues such as: the current ecological and technological transition; the role that the territorial matrix, landscape and ecosystems play or should play through territorial policies with the objective of balance, articulation and territorial cohesion in this new recovery framework; the role that cities should play in this through the new local agendas to make cities and territories healthier and smarter.