Traducción y doblaje: análisis de "fuck" y su traducción al español en "Jackie Brown"

  1. Soler Pardo, Betlem
Entreculturas: revista de traducción y comunicación intercultural

ISSN: 1989-5097

Ano de publicación: 2013

Número: 6

Páxinas: 127-139

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Entreculturas: revista de traducción y comunicación intercultural


Four-letter words are the most obscene and vulgar words in the English language; these refer to parts of the body, bodily functions, human waste, and sex, to cite a few examples. Of all these categories, the one which involves sex is the most obscene of all, and among this group, the most vulgar is fuck (Montagu, 1967; Allan and Burridge, 2006). This paper aims, firstly, to examine a paradigmatic sample of the f-word as it appears in Jackie Brown, a neo noir film directed by Quentin Tarantino; secondly, to carry out research on the categorization of fuck based on the work of McEnery and Xiao (2004); thirdly, to analyse the translation for dubbing of this controversial word into Spanish; and finally, to establish if the presence of fuck in the Spanish version of Jackie Brown has decreased or increased after having carried out the transfer of words.