Las dietas ‘estrella’ en la prensa digital (2011-2020). Análisis semántico sobre patrones de alimentación

  1. Isabel Mendoza-Poudereux
  2. Vanessa Roger-Monzó
  3. Myriam Martí-Sánchez

ISSN: 0719-3661

Año de publicación: 2022

Número: 53

Páginas: 205-228

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.7764/CDI.53.39159 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso abierto editor

Otras publicaciones en: Cuadernos.Info


This research conducts a semantic analysis of the Spanish digital press regarding diets and eating habits during the last decade. The period under study begins on January 1, 2011 and ends ten years later, on December 31, 2020. We carried out an analysis of the content related to diets and nutrition guidelines that appeared in the digital versions of the four most widely read generalist newspapers at the national level (,, and 643 records were obtained and examined using the T-LAB software. The results show that the press especially addresses especially the characteristics of five types of diet (Mediterranean, DASH, ketogenic, vegan and vegetarian) and the effects they have on health, especially the Mediterranean diet. The news are linked to numerous ailments that the Mediterranean diet can reduce or prevent. It is observed that this information has moved to scientific contexts that link this diet with a balanced and healthy lifestyle

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