Comunicación y televisión en la percepción de los liderazgos en pandemiaAnálisis de la gestión de la credibilidad mediática
Universitat de València
ISSN: 1578-6730
Argitalpen urtea: 2021
Zenbakia: 62
Orrialdeak: 5-19
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Nómadas: Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Sciences
COVID-19 and the prolonged closures have facilitated the exponential recovery of television audiences after a long period of declines and have also consolidated previous information trends: citizens have combined traditional media with participation in social networks with their phones, living the alarm through true information at times and hoaxes with a formal appearance at others, in a situation that has put the credibility of many media in check. In the middle of this amount of data, the information issued by the institutions has been fundamental in calling for the involvement of the population. In this mission, there have been successful stories and failures shaped largely by the nature of the lead communicators of public institutions, governments and supranational entities. This is the first pandemic in history with global digital intervention. This circumstance has helped people to keep in contact and make the situation of confinement bearable, but it has also opened up channels for the dissemination of information that has facilitated this material to irresponsible creators and disseminators, endangering human life and questioning scientific sources. In this way, the WHO itself has denounced that not only the virus but also disinformation has cost human lives and that communication strategies can be used to involve the different interactive forces in rapid joint action to tackle pandemics and the collective crisis situations they generate. This article contrasts the diversity of communicative leadership exhibited by different leaders and concludes with a list of directive recommendations for constructing effective messages in a pandemic that has shown the importance of communication in building trust-building leadership in critical situations.
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