¿Se atrapa antes a un mentiroso que a un cojo?Mentira, engaño, sinceridad y verdad en Los ensayos de Michel de Montaigne
Universitat de València
ISSN: 0120-0062
Any de publicació: 2021
Volum: 70
Número: 177
Pàgines: 153-171
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Ideas y valores: Revista Colombiana de Filosofía
Current studies on lying emphasize its epistemic side and neglect the moral aspects. Such a distinction is clear in the attempts to distinguish lying from the intention to deceive and has as a counterpart a realistic conception of truth. Therefore, interpretations that question the existence of truth, or that minimize it, tend to be rejected, and it seems that they could not satisfactorily address the lie either. In this article we will question this assumption, showing how a Renaissance author, Michel de Montaigne, maintains a “denying” perspective of truth while criticizing the lie, precisely by highlighting its moral dimension.
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