Claves para comprender la actualización de la tradición filosófica china
- 1 Coordinador Área de Estudios de Asia Oriental, Universidd de Valencia.
ISSN: 0211-2337
Año de publicación: 2021
Volumen: 38
Volumen: 2
Páginas: 217-229
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Anales del seminario de historia de la filosofía
From the certainty that the identity of Chinese philosophy seems to need a revision that together with innovative multidisciplinary methodologies predicts heterogeneous but conclusive results, this text expects to review the Chinese analysis of these notoriously paradigmatic changes. On the one hand more general, it appeals to the Chinese particularity and on the other, it is based on three purposes: 1. To achieve the updated analysis from the most current western sinology; 2. To delimit the differential foundations of this tradition, but also; 3. To highlight the progress in methodology and contrastive philosophical paradigm. It is based on four purposes: on the one hand, to achieve the updated analysis from the most contemporary western sinology, also to delimit the distinguishing fundaments of this tradition, and the progress in methodology and contrastive philosophical paradigm, but on the other hand, more general, to appeal to the Chinese distinctive feature.
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