Docencia con perspectiva de género“kahoot!” como aliado para desterrar mitos. Gamificación en tiempos de coronavirus

Cuadernos jurídicos del Instituto de Derecho Iberoamericano

ISSN: 2386-9224

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 1

Pages: 176-183

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos jurídicos del Instituto de Derecho Iberoamericano


: In the same way that I defend the application of a gender perspective in the field of jurisprudence I consider its use in procedural law classes a “must” in today’s society. To carry out this process of deconstruction I use technology as an ally. We carry out a “Kahoot!” prior to the teaching of the procedural part of the Gender and Violence course where we review the basic procedural principles (previously studied by the students in Procedural Law III). After this we will focus on the procedural rights of gender violence victims without losing sight of the fact that the presumption of innocence will be the guiding principle of the entire process. These “Kahoots!” have been carried out in the groups of the Gender and Violence subject within the Degree in Criminology (35072). The percentage of correct answers was 64% in the Valencian group and 66.06% in the Spanish group. These answers show us the persistence of erroneous myths in the collective imagination including in the Law students. Moreover, “Kahoot!” - unlike “Plickers” - is perfectly compatible with online teaching