Límites del derecho al olvidoVeracidad y tiempo como factores de ponderación

Revista general de derecho constitucional

ISSN: 1886-6212

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 32

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista general de derecho constitucional


The right to be forgotten allow to interested individuals to obtain the erasure and online encryption of their personal data when it can be harmful to their fundamental rights. Although it is configured as a kind of general rule, the right to be forgotten is subjected to restrictions and interference. These limits are expressly provided by regulatory laws and are also derived from the existing jurisprudence, especially as regards the collision with other fundamental rights. Thus, the constitutional case law about the limitations of the right to freedom of expression and information has become obsolete by the new digital situation, mainly due to the invalidation of the exceptio veritatis clause as an element of weighting and the incorporation of the time factor in that examination.

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