El derecho al olvido y el requisito de veracidad de la información. Comentario a la STS de España núm. 12/2019, de 11 de enero.

  1. Sancho López, Marina 1
  1. 1 Universidad Internacional de Valencia

    Universidad Internacional de Valencia

    Valencia, España

    ROR https://ror.org/00gjj5n39

Revista Boliviana de Derecho

ISSN: 2070-8157

Ano de publicación: 2019

Número: 28

Páxinas: 432-443

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista Boliviana de Derecho


The ruling discussed resolves the conflict of interests between the right to be forgotten of the plaintiff and the right to freedom of information of the appellant search engine. The Spanish Supreme Court, in this case, has decided in favour of the prevalence of the right to be forgotten. The sentence has been considered that, in this case, the information indexed by the appellant as a result of searching the name and the surname of the plaintiff on the web engine, does not fulfil the truthfulness requirement and it’s damaging to the privacy of the plaintiff. This sentence contributes to determine the limits of the right to be forgotten.

Referencias bibliográficas

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