Referentes teóricos psicopedagógicos de la formación para el desarrollo de la carrera emprendedora
- Soto González, María Dolores 1
- Suárez Ortega, Magdalena 2
- Ortega Leal, María Pilar 1
- 1 Florida Universitària (Valencia)
Universidad de Sevilla
ISSN: 1577-4147
Année de publication: 2018
Volumen: 48
Número: 2
Pages: 173-196
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Publicaciones: Facultad de Educación y Humanidades del Campus de Melilla
With the intention of defining a theoretical framework to promote a training design that motivates the professional development of entrepreneurs, the aim is to validate the theoretical referents from a practical perspective. Accordingly, this study presents a meta-analysis of literature contributions that from the perspective of 9 experts with a profile of consolidated entrepreneurs have been representative in their work activity. Specifically, a review of 107 materials contributed by these experts in the field of professional guidance for entrepreneurship was carried out. Once this material was coded and classified, it was analyzed to what extent these contributions would be recommendable for consolidated entrepreneurs, in transition or potential, using indicators intentionally selected according to structural criteria representative of the study. The proposed methodological design is mixed according to criteria and indicators of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The results establish that the greatest number of documents used come from articles of journals and databases such as ISOC, Trobes Plus and Dialnet, sources therefore of which the considered experts are nourished. At the same time, it is concluded that the largest number of outstanding documents is of an international nature whose research methodology is qualitative or mixed in nature. The meta-analysis carried out was indispensable as a bridge between research and experts in entrepreneurship, which helped to complement and validate the theoretical framework proposed, as well as to detect conceptual gaps integrating professional practice, useful in future research and understood as step sine qua non so that current scientific research has a necessary social impact.
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