Creatividad en la enseñanza de español para negocios

  1. Montañez Mesas, Marta Pilar
Foro de profesores de E/LE

ISSN: 1886-337X

Year of publication: 2017


Issue: 13

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7203/FOROELE.V0I13.10916 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Foro de profesores de E/LE

Sustainable development goals


Creativity is part of learning, especially in SFL, also in Spanish for Specific Purposes like Spanish for business. Creative process put order in new knowledge or contents and, at the same time, the results make the student happy. In other words, we learn better when we are interested in the task or it produces us emotions. In general, there are two types of creativity tasks: some of them need computer programs and others are rhetorical or literary. In the tasks that are proposes here the student is the protagonist of his learning and he has to create of nothing some original and unpublished text. Finally, creativity is useful but it has been adapted to the specific group. Key words: creativity, SFL, Spanish for Specific Purposes, Spanish for business, B1-B2.

Bibliographic References

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