Wicked behavior and catastrophes in the Roman worldbelieves, religiosity and politic

  1. Mateo Donet, María Amparo
Polis: revista de ideas y formas políticas de la Antigüedad

ISSN: 1130-0728

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Nummer: 26

Seiten: 81-106

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Polis: revista de ideas y formas políticas de la Antigüedad


Religion is such an essential component of all societies of the ancient world, that the disposition of the gods and the course of events depend on its effective diffusion and the perfect performance of it rites. In practice, it is diffused by way of two groups: the elite, who are responsible for the celebration of the rites who cannot err in their task; and the people, inhabitants of a specific territory who must adhere to the state religion. When either of these two groups fail, unforeseen events and catastrophes of every kind occur. In the face of this, the solution consists of the punishment of the person or persons guilty of impiety and the reparation of the grievance by way of expiatory ceremonies.