Ecos de la πότνια y el δεσπότης θηρῶν en los cinco principales "Hechos" apócrifos de los apóstoles

  1. Ángel Narro 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


Minerva: Revista de filología clásica

ISSN: 0213-9634

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 28

Pages: 185-220

Type: Article

More publications in: Minerva: Revista de filología clásica


This study aims to analyze one of the main features of the πότνια and the δεσπότης θηρῶν in Antiquity, the control over animals, in four of the five major apocryphal Acts of the Apostles. This chapters does not appear in the Acts of Andrew. In these texts we have the presence of some beasts obeying the orders of the Apostles or showing a submissive and reverent attitude towards them. Because of this, this paper aims at studying the apparition of this motif in each one of the texts composing the main core of the apocryphal Acts and the purpose, the origin and the meaning of these scenes.

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