Valoración de la creatividad grupal y barreras del pensamiento creativo en universitarios

  1. Talavera Ortega, Marta
  2. Hurtado Soler, Amparo
  3. Cantó Doménech, José
  4. Martín, David
Revista de estilos de aprendizaje = Journal of Learning Styles

ISSN: 2332-8533 1988-8996

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Alea: 8

Zenbakia: 15

Orrialdeak: 70-90

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de estilos de aprendizaje = Journal of Learning Styles


In the present work we try to analyze the creativity in 112 university students, working in small groups, at relation with the styles of personality (legislative, executive and judicial), and the barriers which they must face to take to end a cr eative and innovative task, with the aims of: to identify the creative specific profile of the students; to analyze the relations between the personality and creative yield, and to identify the present barriers to develop creative tasks. Contrasts were rea lized of t - student and models of logistic binary regression with the calculation of the Odds ratio (OR). These results indicate the need to define an educational task, taking into account the composition of the groups and the personality of its components, to achieve balanced groups, and creative work.

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