Dies a quo para el cómputo del plazo de caducidad de la acción de impugnación de la filiación matrimonial correspondiente al maridocomentario a la STS núm. 728/2013, de 2 de diciembre (Rj 2013, 7832)

  1. Bataller Ruiz, Enric
Revista Boliviana de Derecho

ISSN: 2070-8157

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 19

Pages: 576-583

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Boliviana de Derecho


Husband is required to maintain an active behaviour in order to challenge by trial the first assignement of a certain child filiation. The term to do so shall not be counted from the obtention of a full and undoubted proof, but from the simple existence of a prima facie case that can come from signs that can not be ignored without incurring bad faith.