La educación para la igualdad de género y para el cuidado de las personas que lo necesitan
- Escámez Sánchez, Juan
- Vázquez Verdera, Victoria
ISSN: 0214-8560
Año de publicación: 2010
Número: 37
Páginas: 57-67
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Edetania: estudios y propuestas socio-educativas
This paper analyzes the current pedagogic debate on the role of education in a democratic and multicultural society. In order to deal with the expanding phenomenon of cultural diversity, as much in Spain as in Europe in general, and to be effective in both political and social terms, education must integrate the policy of recognition of the different identities and cultural minorities as a fundamental-constitutive element. With the purpose of supporting this position, this paper departs from the concept of education elaborated by J. Dewey in his studies on democracy and education. In this vein, although Dewey cannot be linked to the pedagogic theory of recognition concerning cultural diversity, which would be elaborated later on, it could be said that his concept of “common intelligence” is based on the same philosophy of education in which the latter is also grounded, and it must be considered therefore one of the pillars on which the two largest pedagogic theories that today deal with the phenomenon of cultural diversity are founded: multicultural education and intercultural education.
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