Hombres en cuidado. Narraciones de cuidadores masculinos informales en Valencia

  1. Rodríguez del Pino, Juan Antonio
  2. Samper Gras, Teresa
  3. Marín Traura, Susana
  4. Aguado Hernández, Juli Antoni
Investigación y Género. Reflexiones desde la investigación para avanzar en igualdad: VII Congreso Universitario Internacional Investigación y Género : Sevilla, 28 y 29 de Junio de 2018
  1. Isabel Vázquez Bermúdez (coord.)
  2. María Jesús Cala Carrillo (coord.)
  3. Ana Guil Bozal (coord.)
  4. Carmen García Gil (coord.)
  5. Rocío Martínez Torres (coord.)
  6. Consuelo Flecha García (coord.)

Publisher: SIEMUS (Seminario Interdisciplinar de Estudios de las Mujeres) ; Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla

ISBN: 978-84-948975-3-5

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 673-685

Type: Book chapter


We present the results of an unpublished research in the territorial framework of the Valencian Community. This was developed by the University of Valencia, from August 2016 and until a year later, with funding from the City of Valencia The research sought to observe how they perceive their own role as caretaker, the men who habitually develop this function in an informal way in their family environment. In the same way, to know the psycho-social factors that understand the action of caring and what positive consequences can be reported to people in a situation of dependence. Thus, it has been possible to see how, although men use more assiduously the Resursos and services (both public and private) available; It is also true that care reports a value both to the individual who exerts it and to the one who receives it; And it constitutes an obvious benefit to the collective (economy of the care).