La traducción de términos artísticosproblemas interpretativos

  1. Richart Marset, Mabel
  2. Peláez Malagón, José Enrique
Teoría y práctica docente: actas del II Congreso Internacional de Lengua, Literatura y Cultura de E/LE, celebrado en Valencia, del 15 al 17 de mayo de 2008
  1. Martí Contreras, Jorge (coord.)

Editorial: Jorge Martí Contreras

ISBN: 978-84-612-6138-3

Año de publicación: 2008

Páginas: 311-324

Congreso: Congreso Internacional de Lengua, Literatura y Cultura Española (2. 2008. Valencia)

Tipo: Aportación congreso


There are a series of anglicisms in Contemporary art history that have been commonly accepted through the years without being questioned. These words were born in English environments and nowadays we find them in the Spanish language exactly in the same original form. However, we think that in a class of Spanish as a second language, though devoted to Art history, those words should be rendered into Spanish or at least we, as teachers, should offer to our students a series of options in order to make them to choose.