Actualización de la docencia y metodologías activas del aprendizaje del derecho en el entorno digital
- Andrés Segovia, Belén coord.
- Chaparro Matamoros, Pedro dir.
- Gómez Asensio, Carlos dir.
- Pedrosa López, Carlos dir.
Publisher: Universidad de Valencia = Universitat de València
ISBN: 9788491334903
Year of publication: 2022
Type: Book
This collective book gathers the publications of the members of the teaching innovation projects RENOVA-PID, UVSFPIE_ PID-1641711; RENOVA-PID, UVSFPIE, _ PID-1639612; and RENOVAPID, UV-SFPIE_PID-1639324; directed by the respective co-directors of the present work. Along with these publications resulting from the execution of the above projects, the present work also includes publications by other invited authors, all of them university professors devoted to law teaching