Importancia del apoyo social en la satisfacción académica de una muestra de estudiantes de la Universidad de Valencia durante el confinamiento por COVID-19efecto mediador del compromiso académico.

  1. Salvador Alberola 1
  2. Melchor Gutiérrez 1
  3. Jose Manuel Tomás 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


Magister: Revista miscelánea de investigación

ISSN: 0212-6796

Année de publication: 2022

Número: 34

Pages: 25-31

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Magister: Revista miscelánea de investigación


During the period from March to May 2020, a period of confinement took place in Spain due to the COVID‑19 pandemic. Among other relevant social changes, impro‑vised online teaching was adopted to replace face‑to‑face teaching throughout the edu‑cation system. The objective of this research was to analyze the possible mediating role of the school engagement between the support of the institution, peers and professors, and the academic satisfaction of university students with the teaching received during the COVID‑19 lockdown. The participants were 157 students who were studying var‑ious disciplines from first to fourth year of undergraduate and master’s degrees at the University of Valencia. An online questionnaire was administered to collect data on the proposed variables. A structural equation model with latent factors was applied to test the hypotheses. An important mediating effect of school engagement was observed for the academic satisfaction of the students, and an outstanding direct influence of the support of the teaching staff on the academic satisfaction of the students. In this work, empirical evidence is provided on the relationship between social support and academ‑ic satisfaction of Spanish university students mediated by school engagement during the months of lockdown due to COVID‑19. Therefore, relevant information is offered for the elaboration of a specific methodology to apply quality online teaching

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