Ultracold atoms in optical cavities

  1. Fernández Vidal, Sonia
Dirigida por:
  1. Giovanna Morigi Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Fecha de defensa: 21 de mayo de 2010

  1. Gaspar Orriols Tubella Presidente/a
  2. Montserrat Guilleumas Morell Secretario/a
  3. G. J. de Valcárcel Vocal
  4. G. E. Astrakharchik Vocal
  5. Eugenio Roldán Serrano Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 288294 DIALNET


This thesis summarizes the research work we did in the past years, which focuses on the theoretical study of quantum effects of ordered atomic structures interacting with the quantum electric field of an optical resonator. Within this work we investigated the quantum properties of the light at the cavity output, emitted by this kind of system, and the quantum state of the atoms confined by the light fields of the cavity mode. Following one possible partition, we have organized the thesis in two parts. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the quantum properties of the light at the output of optical cavities, in which atoms are confined. After a brief introduction on the basics of atom-photon interactions, we show theoretically, that two atomic dipoles in a resonator can behave as a quantum non-linear medium, whose response can be controlled through the interactomic distance of the atoms inside the resonator. We identify the parameter regime, for which the system operates as a parametric amplifier, based on the atoms' collective dipole cascade emission. Moreover we also determine the corresponding field squeezing spectrum at the cavity output. These dynamics could be observed as a result of self-organization processes of laser-cooled atoms in resonators. The second part of the thesis studies the quantum ground state of an ultracold atomic gas trapped inside an optical resonator by the mechanical effects of atom-photon interactions. Due to the strong coupling regime, the ultracold atomic gas feels a quantum potential, where the fluctuations at the single photon level may be relevant in determining the trapping conditions. This potential depends on the atomic distribution, which at the same time determines the intracavity field amplitude. Here, after a brief introduction on ultracold atoms in optical lattices, we study the low temperature physics of an ultracold atomic gas in the quantum potential formed inside a pumped cavity, by mapping the dynamics to an effective Bose-Hubbard model. We predict the existence of non-compressible states of the atomic gas, and determine a phase diagram as a function of the cavity parameters. Novel effects are encountered, such as the existence of overlapping stability regions corresponding to competing insulator-like states when the laser pumps the cavity, to provide one example out of many. At the end of the thesis a concluding chapter presents some general outlooks to this thesis work.