Gamification in the teaching-learning process of chemistrydesign of new resources
- C. Belenguer-Sapiña 1
- E. Pellicer-Castell 1
- C. Vila 1
- A. Mauri-Aucejo 1
- B. Milián-Medina 1
- I. Porcar 1
- J.V. Folgado 1
- E. Castell-Molinete
- N. Remón-Gómez
- C. Andicoechea-Anchustegui
Universitat de València
Publisher: Servicio Editorial = Argitalpen Zerbitzua ; Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
ISBN: 978-84-1319-033-4
Year of publication: 2019
Pages: 869-871
Congress: Congreso EuroSoTL (3. 2019. Bilbao)
Type: Conference paper
In this work, a playful tool to improve science understanding between students is presented. Themain objective is to address one of the deficiencies observed in their previous training in chemistry: thechemical formulation. The lack of basic chemistry knowledge, which the students should have acquiredin lower stages of the education system, that is, during secondary and/or bachelorship studies, is oneof the principal causes of the low student performance rate in the Degree in Chemistry. In this sense,trouble with the nomenclature and formulation of chemical substances is emphasized, since it avoidsthe normal development of the first-year subjects at university. In addition, it continues manifestingitself in superior academic courses in many occasions. Taking into account the 2019 declaration byUNESCO as the International Year of the Periodic Table, the application of gamification in order tocontribute to solve the problems exposed is intended in secondary classrooms, as well as in studentsof the Degree in Chemistry. To this end, a card game about inorganic formulation and nomenclature inorder to reinforce its basic norms and some other curiosities about elements has been developed. In thisway, they can both learn and revise basic concepts of chemical formulation and periodic properties ina playful manner. The game has been applied to a representative sample of students of different levelsand subsequently evaluated.