Training itineraries as a methodology for competency-based trainingAn innovative approach

  1. L.I. Llinares-Insa 1
  2. P. González-Navarro 1
  3. R. Zurriaga-Llorens 1
  4. C. Jiménez-Lagos 2
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


  2. 2 UCV
EDULEARN20 Proceedings: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (July 6th-7th, 2020, Online)
  1. Gómez Chova, L. (coord.)
  2. López Martínez, A. (coord.)
  3. Candel Torres, I. (coord.)

Publisher: IATED Academy

ISBN: 978-84-09-17979-4

Year of publication: 2020

Pages: 8890-8895

Congress: EDULEARN: International Conference on Education and New Learning Technology (12. 2020. null)

Type: Conference paper


Competency-based training requires the use of a different specialised methodology. In this context, the use of training itineraries can prove useful. The goal of this paper is to present a real experience using this methodology in the subject 'Conflict and Negotiation Techniques' in the Degree of Labor Relations and Human Resources of the University of Valencia. This methodology allows students to manage their own learning process since it is an individualized teaching for training in competences. To design it we have followed the model proposed by Kazantseva, Kazantseva and Kolmakova (2018) from which three different training itineraries are proposed. The students, in coordination with the teaching staff, choose their own training. Each of them has a different temporal sequence, part of a different level of autonomy of the student and requires a different type of classroom presence. The first itinerary is the one in which the student requires greater control by the teaching staff, the second itinerary allows the students more autonomy in the learning process and the third itinerary starts from the consideration that the student is a mature and autonomous person. In addition, the students are also offered an activity to deepen on the subject's knowledge based on their interests.