Integrative immune transcriptomic classification improves patient selection for precision immunotherapy in advanced gastro-oesophageal adenocarcinoma

  1. Cabeza-Segura, M.
  2. Gambardella, V.
  3. Gimeno-Valiente, F.
  4. Carbonell-Asins, J.A.
  5. Alarcón-Molero, L.
  6. González-Vilanova, A.
  7. Zuñiga-Trejos, S.
  8. Rentero-Garrido, P.
  9. Villagrasa, R.
  10. Gil, M.
  11. Durá, A.
  12. Richart, P.
  13. Alonso, N.
  14. Huerta, M.
  15. Roselló, S.
  16. Roda, D.
  17. Tarazona, N.
  18. Martínez-Ciarpaglini, C.
  19. Castillo, J.
  20. Cervantes, A.
  21. Fleitas, T.
British Journal of Cancer

ISSN: 1532-1827 0007-0920

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 127

Issue: 12

Pages: 2198-2206

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1038/S41416-022-02005-Z GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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