Predictors of academic and sports commitment in adolescent womenCluster analysis using ann-som
- Carratalá-Bellod, Helio
- Buendía Ramón, Vicente
- Guzmán Luján, José Francisco
ISSN: 1989-6239
Argitalpen urtea: 2022
Zenbakien izenburua: Septiembre-Diciembre
Alea: 14
Zenbakia: 3
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Journal of sport and health research
ABSTRACT This research analyses different variables of the sports and academic commitment of adolescent women and how they behave in general and it also takes into account gatherings created through cluster analysis using ANN-SOM. The sample consisted of 182 adolescent women (M= 14,86 / SD= 1,832) who completed various test scales to know the use of coping strategies and the degree of resilience, commitment and stress, both in the sports and academic fields. The sport-variable predictors of academic engagement were task-oriented coping and resilience, and the academic ones were about the Grade Point Average (GPA) and task-oriented coping. Three groups of participants were identified. The group in which the sports variables predicted the academic commitment to a greater extent corresponded to the one with the highest level and sports commitment. The sports variables of academic engagement were the level, as well as the task-oriented coping and resilience; the academic variables were emotional coping and distancing and resilience, with task coping showing a clear trend. By clusters, the group with the highest GPA was the one in which the sporting determinants had the lowest predictive value over their academic commitment.
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