Buen trato hacia las personas mayoresdesarrollo, estudio e intervención con auxiliares de enfermería en residencias de personas mayores

  1. López Frutos, Patricia
Dirixida por:
  1. Gema Pérez Rojo Director
  2. Javier López Martínez Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad CEU San Pablo

Fecha de defensa: 17 de xuño de 2022

  1. Emilia Serra Desfilis Presidenta
  2. Pedro Luis Nieto Del Rincón Secretario/a
  3. Juan Carlos Meléndez Moral Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The good treatment of the elderly is linked to all the aspects that surround a person, allowing everyone to be as they want. The studies carried out in this thesis investigate what good treatment is, how it affects nursing assistants and what factors can affect good treatment being more present in residences, all through three studies: a validation study of a questionnaire on good treatment towards the elderly by the assistants, a second study on what are the factors related to good treatment and a third study in which an intervention is carried out to check if it produces significant changes. Based on the results, it is determined that good treatment is related to the quality of life of professionals, with stereotyped thoughts, with person-centered attention, motivation and job satisfaction. In conclusion, the study provides a better understanding of the factors related to good treatment, and those that must continue to work to achieve this care model based on good treatment of the elderl