Dilemas y preocupaciones de las familias sobre el uso de recursos educativos digitales en la etapa de la Educación Infantil

  1. José Peirats Chacón
  2. Patricia Digón Regueiro
  3. Ángel San Martín Alonso
Digital Education Review

ISSN: 2013-9144

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 41

Pages: 93-113

Type: Article

More publications in: Digital Education Review


Within the framework of an ongoing research project, this paper presents and analyses the perceptions and appreciations that a sample of families from three different Spanish regions, The Canary Islands, Galicia and Valencia, express regarding the availability, use, perceptions and mediations performed with digital materials and resources. Devices, platforms and applications they use at home, in some cases, to support the teaching and learning process carried out in schools and in the Key Stage 2 of Childhood Education. These perceptions and appreciations were gathered in focus groups interviewsduring the period of the pandemic and within the mentioned framework of a project with a mixed methodological option. The evidence from the fieldwork and much of the specialised literature suggests that, although they have more than enough digital resources, and their children are skilled and motivated to use them, their position regarding the risks and benefits of the digitalisation process is unstable, contradictory, insecure, a permanent source of family conflict and in need of support. Aspects that, as a whole, have a significant impact on the school reinforcement that families provide to their children at home, particularly in infant school.

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