El currículo del grado en derecho, los valores fundamentales del ordenamiento jurídico y la educación jurídica clínica: una reformulación de prospectiva

  1. Andrés Gascón Cuenca 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España

    ROR https://ror.org/043nxc105

Revista de educación y derecho = Education and law review

ISSN: 2013-584X 2386-4885

Datum der Publikation: 2022

Nummer: 25

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista de educación y derecho = Education and law review


This contribution is a critical review of the implementation of the Bologna process in the studies of law, as it entailed the commodification of the curriculum through the influence of private interests in determining the knowledge and skills to be implemented in the degree. This,not only was carried out to the detriment of the value of education and knowledge as common and structural goods in the development of personality, but also implied the incorporation of the Human Capital Theory in the creation of the new academic curricula, cornering subjects related to rights human rights, philosophy or theory of law, anti-discrimination law, deontology of law, among many others, which have little to do with this process and the neoliberal values promoted by globalization. Faced with this reality, which poses a danger to the social and democratic rule of law state itself, the incorporation of the legal clinical model is suggested, in order to recover some of the fundamental knowledge that the Bologna plan left aside, considered as basic in the training of future legal experts.

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