Sénecauna empresa editorial del primer exilio republicano en México, 1939-1944

  1. Aurelio Velázquez Hernández 1
  1. 1 Velázquez Hernández Universidad de Cantabria
Laberintos: revista de estudios sobre los exilios culturales españoles

ISSN: 1696-7410

Argitalpen urtea: 2020

Zenbakia: 22

Orrialdeak: 353-368

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Laberintos: revista de estudios sobre los exilios culturales españoles


The Séneca Publishing Company has transcended as one of the cultural creations of the first republican exile in Mexico. As a Junta de Cultura Española iniciative, this publishing house was part of the investment program managed by the Juan Negrín’s Comité Técnico de Ayuda a los Republicanos Españoles (CTARE). This article focuses on the cultural and political motivations of this project as well as, from a business point of view, the creation of the company process and the mistakes in its initial approach and administration that led the company to its economic failure.